This is why gardening in the Austin, TX area can sometimes be challenge. This is a portion of an article about the current heat wave we’ve been experiencing.
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Our heatwave cranked back into high gear Friday with a high of 104° in Austin. It was the 12th 100-degree day in a row, 25th this summer, with at least seven more in the immediate future. by: Jim Spencer
Posted: Jul 12, 2019 / 06:10 PM CDT
/ Updated: Aug 17, 2019 / 08:55 AM CDT
Its easy to say “its just hot, so what’s the problem?”. Well, remember that not all areas allow watering whenever you want. If you have a sprinkler system installed, your water company may limit the days in which the sprinkler can be used. Any other watering may have to be done by hand, which is possible.
Hand watering brings the question, when do you want to stand out in the heat to water? Our nights don’t really cool quickly. By 9pm it might get below 90 (sunset would have been around 8:10pm). At midnight we might lower down to low 80’s, maybe 80-82 degrees. So our coolest temperature, maybe 76-77 will hit right around 7am, if it gets that low. So yes, you can get up early and water at the coolest time possible. Considering that sunrise is about 7am, if you like getting up at sunrise, this schedule would work for you.
But with this kind of heat keeping plants alive and growing is difficult. Possible, but difficult. And giving them enough water can often be the biggest problem. Remember that this kind of heat brings harsh sun and that can kill a plant also. Shade can be a factor in keeping plants alive in the heat.
I miss the water collection system we had at the old house. I might end up devising something here at the new house in order to continue my garden. We’ll see.