Let it rain

And it is! We ate an early dinner tonight, done like 4pm, and were sitting on the covered, screened patio in the back. My boyfriend was on the phone to his daughter when the rain began as a light shower. We had gotten a little shower earlier today, all of 0.08″ of rain. Not exactly something to write home about.

As he was talking the rain became more of a more than light shower, but not what I’d call still much rain fall. When we went out it was 81 degrees outside, hot and humid. By the time it started to rain we had dropped to 77.

Than it began to rain. It began to pour. We went from 0.08″ to 2. 77″ of rain in well under an hour. The street outside is flooded, I’m sure many of the streets in town are flooded.

Are we done? I don’t think so. We are forecast to have rain for another half hour, than it should start up again tomorrow morning, early. Well, we did need rain. But I’m not sure these kind of downpours are what we would like. It will fill dams, but it is so much rain in such a short time it will lead to flooding.

Our weather is changing. Our weather patterns are changing. And not for the good.

It was only a couple of weeks ago, we were in west Texas, when Roswell, NM got flooded. People died. Roswell is desert area but they got so much rain so quickly they had flash floods. I’m hoping we don’t have that happen here. We’ll see.


Rain has now hit 3.65 inches here at the house. This should be the last of the rain for today, but more rain is due tomorrow. Another problem we have is the weather. Tomorrow is due to get back up to 80, then a one day drop to 75, then back up to 80. And we’ll stay right around 80 degrees for about a week. Too hot for this time of year. The weather is not nice to us anymore.