Author: Cat C L
We did get rain.
Okay, the rain came in at 1.45 inches last night, and .14 today. So just over 1-1/2 inches of rain. We have happy plants. Though we do have corn that is blown over. So we did get wind with the rain last night. But we should be clear skies the next couple of nights. Then we just might get rain again this weekend. We’ll see.
Its a drencher
Weather had said we would get rain. We’ve been waiting all day for it. at about 10:30 pm it finally arrived. In the 15 minutes or so its been raining, less than half an hour, we’ve had over 1.25 inches of rain and it is still coming down outside. We’ll see what it shows in the morning. But we finally got rain.
First crop of artichokes
Strange weather
Yesterday we hit 82 degrees outside. Today it has dropped to 50, we’re hoping to make 60. We started with rain around 5:20 AM. I know because it woke me – a bit of lightning and thunder. And so far we’ve had about 1/3 inch of rain (about noon here). The weather forecast says tomorrow should be sunny and around 70. We’ll see. At least the plants are happy. I’d go take some pictures, but its wet and drizzly outside.
Happy Easter
We got rain
Not quite sure where it came from but last night we got wind, and at around 3 AM we got 3/4 inches of rain. The wind blew over pots, plants, and trash cans. Today – clear and sunny. Not as warm, but that’s okay. Today only make 66 degrees, but at least no wind. Though we did have a good 40 mph gust around 1:45 AM. But other than being blown around, the plants seemed to take it okay. No damage I can tell so far.
Welcome to crazy Texas weather
Earlier this week we hit 90 degrees. For 2 days! Last night we had lightning, thunder, and some rain. Today, Saturday we barely make 60. Tomorrow, Sunday night we have frost and freeze warnings.
Welcome to crazy Texas weather.
New Fruit Trees!!
Okay, today we had to go pick up some items at Lowes and Home Depot. So while we were there I picked up a couple of fruit trees. Since we already have a hole where a wax myrtle was, we needed a tree to put there. So I got two, one for the hole, one for somewhere else.
The hole will get: SunRacer Nectarine. It says its hardy to 20F, self-fruitful, and low chill. Its semi-cling, great flavor, and high resistance to disease. Let’s hope so.
The other tree is a Avocado, Lila. She is hardy to 20 F, and self fertile, though someday we may want to plant a mate to her. This plant says you may get better yield with additional avocado varieties around it. Let’s hope she likes where ever her new home becomes.
So how did we get a hole from a wax myrtle? Well there was a wax myrtle near the fruit trees. We’re testing a “cage” to keep squirrels out and it made no sense to keep the wax myrtle in the cage. So out came the wax myrtle. We planted it elsewhere. So that’s why there was a hole that needed a fruit tree. I sure hope the nectarine likes its new neighbors.
While we were at Home Depot they had a couple of other trees I’m thinking about. They had a tangerine and a persimmon. I’m thinking maybe they could join the family, but I haven’t decided yet. We’ll see.
Still wet, but sun is on its way
I made it out to the yard today. Its been gloomy, wet, with patches of blue sky, and no rain. So here is how the garden is doing.
We have little apples.

Meet the swiss chard.
The peach tree has blossoms.
The meyer lemon has flowers.
The potato plants are in cages. Thought that might be safest.
A little green friend with the grape plant.
And some of the cutting from the trees are taking root. Don’t ask me how, but its happening. We may end up with more trees. And yes, I put tags on them so I know what is what. Hopefully those tags stay put.