Its getting colder

Last night we hit a low of 35, with about 0,21 inches of rain. That’s cold outside. At least the fruit trees will enjoy it. I’m not so sure our dogs will enjoy it, but then they don’t have to be out in it long. Since our dogs are little, one weighs 9 lbs, the other one weighs 11 lbs, the cold does affect them.

One thing I don’t get is how we are supposed to have a high of 42 today, a low of 39, then hit a high of 66 tomorrow. Granted we have cloud cover and its wet outside, but how do we get one day of warm weather then back to cold? Such is the weather in Austin, TX. But at least it seems to be a light rain, no heavy drenching rain. Knowing how we can get downpours, its nice to not have that with this cold. But we do sometimes get those drenching downpours in the summer. I guess that’s something to be said for winter rain in this area.

I’ll keep the weather changes posted for the next few days. We’ll see what the weather does.