
Last night we got rain again. It started late, around 11pm. We had a fairly heavy downpour. We actually got about one inch of rain in the first hour, then the rain slowed down. We also got a lot of wind. The wind was what alerted me to the change in weather. By morning time we had received 1.9″ of rain here at the house.

The rain made for some very interesting weather. We had a fairly warm day yesterday. But once the rain began the temperatures dropped to 60 degrees. It did warm up during today, but this evening we are back down to 60 degrees. It does made for some pleasant evening weather, I will admit. I was even able to walk my dog late in the day and found it cool. My dog liked it.

But now we have no more rain in the forecast until next week. We shall see what we get. But it was nice getting rain last night. We definitely need it.