Cooler weather is here

It may not seem like much someplace else, but last week we had about 1-3/4 inches of rain. We have also now begun getting cooler weather. We’ve still been in the 80’s, but not as high into the 80’s. And tomorrow night, Wednesday we should get down to the low 60’s. The day after we’ll be lower temperatures – like Thursday might get to 76 as a high. Then for the rest of the week the evenings will be in the 60’s. And our daytime temperatures will be high 70’s with low 80’s as a possibility.

But right now we’ve had so much rain and great weather most of my seed has been coming up. My squash is beautiful and bountiful. I’ve even given some of my squash away. My bean plants are coming up and looking great. Some old lettuce seed is coming up gangbusters. The tomatoes are not looking so good, but I can live with that.

I did some weeding today. The wet and damp weather left it easier to pull out the weeds. The only down side is that I’m losing a bit of dirt from the beds. I really need to try and start a compost pile. That would do me well, but I’ve never set up a compost pile.

As is I’m thinking it might be time to pick up some soil for the beds. It may be time for a Home Depot run.