Weather is changing

Yes weather is achangin’ here in Texas. We’re getting our first cold front this week. We got down to 58 one night already and today should only get to 77. How’s that for a change! The rest of the week will be similar temps, with highs of maybe 80. But next week we should get more of a cool down. Next Monday they are predicting 51 for a high, and 44 for a low. And of course more rain. We’ll see how that happens.

But it does mean that the leaves are starting to change a bit, they are starting to fall. I’ve begun noticing the changes in the garden. My asparagus is starting to get some yellow in it. That’s a good indication of the changes.

But I’m also noticing that some plants are starting to come up. Carrots I planted are coming up. The arugula has come up, but where we have had some, its also getting eaten. But overall we are seeing a change in the weather. That’s a welcome break from the baking heat we had.