It’s warm

Yup, it is warm today. We are talking in the high 70’s, and possibly even low 80’s. Online weather says it is 84, I’m not sure where that is being measured. Its just after noon and here at my place the weather station says it is 82. Okay, yup it is warm. And this is Texas February weather. Temperatures are once again all over the place.

Last weekend I had a fire in the fireplace. But now, well here we are – warm and sunny. Do remember to wear sunscreen. Next week they think we’ll have a cold front that will take us back into the 60’s for high temperatures. We’ll see what happens. We haven’t really had much rain. It would be nice if we get some.

I have been looking at making some minor changes to outside. I don’t know that I will start a garden, but I have added some pots with caladiums, put in flower seeds, and turned my yard rain water back on. Actually Reagan had to come help me with turning the water back on. I didn’t know how to. I looked online how to turn it on, but didn’t quite understand which things to turn on. Part of the problem was that the online systems looked different than what I have, and seemed to expect you to know what they were talking about. I don’t think I will have the lines blown out again.

Elsewhere areas have their own problems. Unfortunately California has still been having rain issues. It looks like they have a clear day today, but they have had flooding. Weather is changing from what it once was.