Another day, another storm

The much hyped storm made it here today. It was strong wind (I’m pretty sure I heard a tree branch cracking), rain (by 10pm it was 3 inches), some hail (smaller, pea sized), and of course lightning and thunder. The good news is it looks like tomorrow will not be some of the same. Tomorrow might be some rain early, but then clearing. I’m hoping for the clearing part.

Just a little side note. Due to the hail last Sunday, we have had many salesmen from roofing companies come around. There are over half a dozen signs in peoples yards advertising who will be doing their roof work. I’m in that list. The hail Sunday didn’t puncture holes in the shingles, but it did damage. My roof is one year old, but it is now damaged by hail.

Oh yea.

More rain

Last nights rain continued. How much rain did we actually get, well that’s a good question. It appears my weather station at some point got reset and the time was off. So when I went to bed last night at midnight by my watch, it didn’t match the time on the weather station. So even though it said 0.79 inches what it continued to add until midnight its time, when it would have reset for the new day is anybody’s guess.

And to add to it last night was a night of lightning, thunder, rain, and power outages. We actually had 2 power outages that I know of.

Nonetheless today, now at 9:45pm we have 3.08 inches of rain on the weather station. We didn’t have any more power outages during the day. But we did have a couple more thunderstorms. Both last night, and this evening we have had downpours. The kind where the wind blows, the sky darkens, and the rain pours down.

Today we got to all of 77 degrees. I know because that was around 2:45 when I walked the dogs. But by 5pm it wasn’t much warmer. And then shortly after 5:30ish it began to pour. I was at the friends for dinner and we could watch it darken then watch rain begin to pour from the skies. It didn’t last too long, but it probably gave us a good 1/2 or more inches of rain.

Now at almost 10pm we have the before mentioned 3.08 inches of rain, and 72 degrees. For summer in Austin that is a bit below the norm. Yet tomorrow we should get up to the low 90’s (92 is the forecast) and our chances of rain drop down to 20%. The chance of rain drops after that, the sun will begin coming out and by Sunday we should be high 90’s (forecast for Sunday is 98).

As for the garden, I’m still harvesting Anaheim chilies. And it looks like there are some green beans ready to be harvested. But I’m not sure how the tomato plants are taking the downpours. I’m expecting the answer is going to be not great. I know some plants in pots are getting blown over due to the wind.

Crazy weather.

Rain again

I got up this morning to grey skies, 65 degrees, and a bit of thunder. I was able to get the dogs out for their potty break before the rain began. I also got to watch lightning strikes, not that faraway. In less than half an hour we got half an inch of rain.

Currently we have this large green mass of rain on the radar moving our way. There is a lot of yellow and red mixed into that green. As I sit here I can just hear the thunder rattling outside. My dogs are not happy.

UPDATE: Its now after 5pm, its 5:15pm by my clock, and we are just barely shy of 2 inches of rain. The weather station says 1.98 inches of rain at this time. This has been one slow moving rain system. Its been rain, rain, and more rain. Sometimes heavy, but much of it this light constant drizzle.

What scary is rain is in the forecast from now until next Wednesday, another week of rain. Yes, Texas pretty much always needs rain, and its nice that its been a light slow drizzle at least part of the time. But the fact is we’re getting to flooding in lots of places. The ground is saturated. There’s a lot of closed roads due to flooding. And I’m sure its going to get worse before it gets better.

UPDATE: its just about 5:45pm, and we’ve hit 2 inches of rain for the day. Is that the end of the rain for the day, I don’t know.

Thursday Storm

Well, we got rain, lightning, hail in some areas, and lots of thunder. We also got all of 1.23 inches of rain here at this location just today. The forecast still says we may get rain, actually thunderstorms, Friday and Saturday. Will we actually get much, well that still remains to be seen. Hopefully Sunday stays dry as they currently predict. But our temperatures are still warm, mid 70’s with Monday going for 90 degrees. Yes its humid out there.

But some areas have gotten big teacup size hail. Damage comes along with anything that size hail hits. Image someone throwing or dropping a softball from the sky onto your car. Well that gives you an idea of what to expect from that size hail hitting a windshield. Falling on a person isn’t going to be any better.

With any luck, we will get more rain, but a few less hail storms.