Another day, another storm

The much hyped storm made it here today. It was strong wind (I’m pretty sure I heard a tree branch cracking), rain (by 10pm it was 3 inches), some hail (smaller, pea sized), and of course lightning and thunder. The good news is it looks like tomorrow will not be some of the same. Tomorrow might be some rain early, but then clearing. I’m hoping for the clearing part.

Just a little side note. Due to the hail last Sunday, we have had many salesmen from roofing companies come around. There are over half a dozen signs in peoples yards advertising who will be doing their roof work. I’m in that list. The hail Sunday didn’t puncture holes in the shingles, but it did damage. My roof is one year old, but it is now damaged by hail.

Oh yea.


They’ve been saying we had rain coming in. And today was not the best of weather. It was overcast, humid, hot, not very comfortable. Even my dog didn’t want to walk.

But low and behold, at around 10:30pm it began to rain. We dropped from a high of 95 earlier today, down to a current 63 and began to rain, lightning, thunder, and hail over here.

As of right now we have 0.64 inches of rain. Looking at the radar I don’t think we’ll get much more tonight, but maybe just a little bit. But tomorrow our high should be just under 80, someplace in the high 70’s. And Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we are expected to get more thunderstorms.

Hopefully we do. We need the rain.


They mentioned severe storms for today. I know earlier they mentioned possible tornadoes, unusual for this area.

Well, we have had confirmed at least 4 tornadoes as this time (7pm). Taylor, Hutto, Round Rock, Elgin, even an area called Kalahari Resort have all been hit. One tornado crossed a freeway flyover, near I-35 and I-45. At this point there are areas with some damage, how much I don’t know. Some areas are without power. At one point they even said possible tornado in Wimberley, close by where I live.

It is a very unusual situation here. First of all, we don’t get many tornadoes show up in this area. But having a number of tornadoes all happening at the same time comes under the the extremely unusual situation description. From what I can tell, most of the tornadoes have not been in highly populated area, downtown Austin didn’t get hit, but outer areas of Austin are getting hit.

According to the news channel I’ve been watching, at least one doppler unit got hit, either by tornado or lightning. I’m sure more information will be coming in.

I’m sure damage reports will be coming in later today. As of right now, they have said there is damage, but they have not mentioned how much damage.

I even feel for the weather people on tv. They have been broadcasting nonstop for well over an hour.

UPDATE: 03/24/2022

How many confirmed separate tornadoes did the Austin area get? Actually I don’t have an answer for that. I wish I did. But the NWS (National Weather Service) is in the process of confirming various information about the different tornadoes that we had. What I can glean from the news includes:

Round Rock area had a confirmed tornado. It crossed over a freeway intersection (I-35 and 4), taking out a light standard, caused damage to a bank, and a resort in the area. At this time I am not sure if they have confirmed strength.

Wimberley is said to have a confirmed tornado.

Areas near Tayor and Manor had confirmed tornadoes. Areas near Elgin also had confirmed tornado activity.

At this time I’m not sure if some of these may have been one tornado that merely moved, or what. But I’m sure more information will be released in time. Suffice it to say, the greater Austin area saw its share of tornadoes this past week.

Another storm

Its Sunday, Mother’s Day, and we’ve been warned of another storm. We had a warm day of 85 degrees here at the house. It wasn’t a bright sunny day, it was more of an overcast and humid day. Walking the dogs was not a fun experience. Even the dogs didn’t enjoy it.

Now, at after 10PM its down to 78, but our humidity is up to 86%. Though I will say the clouds tonight were rather spectacular. There was a a layer of dark clouds, with these salmon pink clouds underneath them.

It does appear there are a few areas around here that are feeling the effects of this storm. Some areas are even supposed to get hail, again. So we will wait and see if we get rain here. We may get some still, even if its later tonight.

We shall see.

Thursday Storm

Well, we got rain, lightning, hail in some areas, and lots of thunder. We also got all of 1.23 inches of rain here at this location just today. The forecast still says we may get rain, actually thunderstorms, Friday and Saturday. Will we actually get much, well that still remains to be seen. Hopefully Sunday stays dry as they currently predict. But our temperatures are still warm, mid 70’s with Monday going for 90 degrees. Yes its humid out there.

But some areas have gotten big teacup size hail. Damage comes along with anything that size hail hits. Image someone throwing or dropping a softball from the sky onto your car. Well that gives you an idea of what to expect from that size hail hitting a windshield. Falling on a person isn’t going to be any better.

With any luck, we will get more rain, but a few less hail storms.

Storms ahead

Its late April and we are looking for thunderstorms and severe weather starting tonight. South west Texas, down by Del Rio, has already received baseball sized hail. This storm is heading toward San Antonio and Austin. Where I am, in Austin/Dripping Springs area, we are also waiting for storms. The temperature right now, almost 8pm, is 78 with 81% humidity. The humidity has been climbing the past short while, couple of hours, and is expected to continue climbing. They have warned that we will get rain, some estimates say 2-3 inches of rain. We shall see. But we also have a tornado watch.

We are also forecast to have rain and thunderstorms Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday should be just isolated thunderstorms. But through it all we should be in the 70-80’s. This kind of warm weather with storms, heavy humidity, happens in this area. Its not the most comfortable weather, but its what we sometimes get. And yes, it can make for some uncomfortable times.

At this point, I don’t know what we’ll get for storms, rain, or weather. But then that’s the reality of living in this area.

I’ll keep you posted on what we get.

Rain and hail

They said we would have a storm and we got one. We got both rain and hail, some hail 1-1/2 inches round. Between two different rain gauges, one said we had 1 inches (that was the one you buy and set out, its a physical container), and the other one said 0.72 inches (that was from the new weather station).

But we finally got some much needed rain. Most of this area is in some level of drought. But true to Texas weather, we had a lovely 70+ degree day, going for mid 80’s tomorrow and Saturday. Though Saturday and Sunday we are due for more rain. Hopefully that will happen. And if our luck holds, we might even get some rain next week. But of course, you never know.

One interesting item is that though tomorrow and Saturday are due to be in the low/mid 80’s, Sunday we are due to drop into the mid 60’s. We’ll see if that happens.

But at least it looks like central Texas has officially hit spring.