
Its been warm, in the 90’s. And yet today its been cooler, in the 80’s, and raining. We’ve had the kind of rain that if a sudden downpour. It gives like half an inch of rain in 20 minutes. Its nice, in part because it has cooled down to 77 as of now, 7pm. In addition to the half inch of rain at one short time period, we’ve had a couple of short sporadic rain falls, bringing us to a total so far today of 0.61 inches. Its only 7pm, so its possible we could get more rain tonight.

We do have a much larger chance of rain tomorrow. We actually have a chance of showers for the next week. We’ll see how much we actually get. It might be quite a bit, but who knows.

On a different note, the Pacific North West is in a heat wave. Hard as it is to believe today was supposed to be around 90. Tomorrow, Monday its expected to be 110 degrees in Seattle. And its supposed to be 90 on Tuesday.

This is a bit unusual. I’ve lived in that area and usually the hottest week is about the first week of August., usually Seafair weekend. This weekend is the last weekend of June. If this is their new hottest week, its a month ahead of schedule. Then again, the first week of August could still end up being hot, hotter than this. That just remains to be seen.

As for my garden, its doing okay. I finally pulled out my Swiss chard. Its grown far too large to handle. Its bitter, its a cool weather plant so I’m not sure why its been growing in the middle of 90 degree weather. So, I pulled it out. Ironically my peppers in pots are doing better than my pepper in the raised beds. I’ve lost my squash, yet my cucumbers are growing well. And my volunteer plants, seeds probably from last year, I think they are watermelon, maybe cantaloupe look like they are growing well. These plants have small fruits on them. We’ll see how they grow, and if they mature. My apple trees, in the ground actually look like they are doing well. They’ve grown taller, I’ve even seen flowers on them, and they are leafing out well. Even my new Meyer lemon is looking good.

Overall, the garden is doing okay.

UPDATE: per weather.com Seattle is 100 degrees at 6:20pm. That’s hot anywhere you are at.

Welcome to Texas

We didn’t really expect rain, but we did get just a small amount, 0.07 inches this morning. But what we have begun is heat. We are due for 90+ degree weather the rest of the week. We are looking at 94 for tomorrow, but 96 for the weekend. So we have heat coming in. To help understand, our nights will be in the 70’s. So think a high of 94, with a low of 74. Yes, that’s a 20 degree swing, but its not exactly cool nights. And for example, right now (10PM) it is 78 degrees outside with 84% humidity. That’s not the coolest of nights, it should cool down as we get closer to morning.

So I can’t say if we’re done with rain for a while or not, but we have warm and humid weather coming in. Even if it isn’t rain, its still humid weather.

Its made for some interest gardening. We have lots of rain, so we have some issues with pests, mosquitos and the like, and we’ve had some issues with lack of sun. Temperature wise its been strange. We’ve had some nice temperatures, then some cold 65 degree days thrown in for fun. So plants are growing rather haphazardly. Some plants are growing well, then some just don’t seem to know what to do. I’ve got cucumbers growing, it even has small cucumbers growing on it. And yet I have swiss chard that is still going gangbusters.This isn’t swiss chard season, but mine is still growing very well.

I just watched news and they are already warning that heat index is expected to reach 103 tomorrow. They are also warning some areas of Texas may actually hit triple digits. They didn’t actually say which area are due for those triple digits, so I’m not sure if its actually likely to happen.

Rain again

I got up this morning to grey skies, 65 degrees, and a bit of thunder. I was able to get the dogs out for their potty break before the rain began. I also got to watch lightning strikes, not that faraway. In less than half an hour we got half an inch of rain.

Currently we have this large green mass of rain on the radar moving our way. There is a lot of yellow and red mixed into that green. As I sit here I can just hear the thunder rattling outside. My dogs are not happy.

UPDATE: Its now after 5pm, its 5:15pm by my clock, and we are just barely shy of 2 inches of rain. The weather station says 1.98 inches of rain at this time. This has been one slow moving rain system. Its been rain, rain, and more rain. Sometimes heavy, but much of it this light constant drizzle.

What scary is rain is in the forecast from now until next Wednesday, another week of rain. Yes, Texas pretty much always needs rain, and its nice that its been a light slow drizzle at least part of the time. But the fact is we’re getting to flooding in lots of places. The ground is saturated. There’s a lot of closed roads due to flooding. And I’m sure its going to get worse before it gets better.

UPDATE: its just about 5:45pm, and we’ve hit 2 inches of rain for the day. Is that the end of the rain for the day, I don’t know.

More rain

True to Texas weather, we got another 0.76 inches of rain today. And we got it in under an hour. Well under an hour. But we still have more on the forecast so we will see what else shows up.

I’ll keep you posted. And yes, everything is soaked, and they are warning of flooding. Such is this year’s Texas weather. Snow, heat, rain and we’re just waiting to see what summer brings us.

NOTE: I’m adding this here for brevity. Its 6/2 and we just got 0.25 inches. Its now10:45pm and I’m calling it quits for the night. I’m not sure if we’ll get more rain tonight or not. They weren’t kidding. Rain, rain, and some more rain.

Not quite rainy week

Texas weather is well, Texas weather. For the majority of this week they have forecast rain, at least somewhere. And then they change their mind. The good news is early this week, I think Sunday and Monday we did get rain. We got about one inch over the two days. But as of today, Thursday we haven’t had rain – at least not here at the house. But rain is in the forecast again.

Surprisingly, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend and we are not currently staring down at any major storms. This area often gets storms this weekend, and its nice that this weekend there are none in the forecast. That’s not to say we may not get rain, just not storms. We might get some rain Friday and Saturday, and a low possibility of morning rain on Monday.

Next week, the chance of rain goes up from Tuesday to Friday. Also our temperatures will only be in the mid 80’s (ONLY!). We’ve begin the slow climb to summer as our days will be in the mid 80’s and our night in the high 60’s (think 67-69). Yes this is cooler than summer in Texas. For this area of Texas summer temperatures are high 90’s to triple digits. So high 80’s is not our summer heat. Yup that’s Texas.

I’ll keep you posted on what we actually get.

Rain again

After two days of nice weather, or at least rather nice no rain days, we are back to rain. Its not bad temperature, we’ve been in the 70’s, but today was another 0.65 inches of rain. We are back to expecting rain for the next few days. We’ll see how much more rain we get, but we are expecting another 3-4 days of rain.

We were lucky here in central Texas. Some of the rain expected to hit us ended up shifting south of us. So it still hit parts of Texas, just not this area.

Some areas, such as Lake Charles Louisiana have gotten about 20 inches of rain so far this month. That’s a lot of rain.

We’ll see how much more continues to fall. I’ll keep you posted.

Dry day

It was cloudy, not great, not too warm, but here in this area we didn’t really get any rain today. My meter shows all of 0.01 inches here. But that is only here. If you are south and west of here, there is significant flooding. Fayette County has had about 9 inches according to KXAN weather. That area has been flooding.

But we still have rain in the forecast. So even though most of the rain stayed in the southern area of Texas, it isn’t gone yet. Its still in the forecast.

More rain

We spent most of the day overcast, though warm. But by mid afternoon the weather began to change. By 4pm we were in rain. We’ve gotten another 0.74 inches of rain. Our two day total is now 1.53 inches of rain. And more is still in the forecast.

Yes, they are warning of flooding. We’re concerned about the amount of rain coming and the fact the ground is saturated. We shall see how bad this gets.


Central Texas is due for storms this week. Yesterday we had rain early in the morning, and had 0.42 inches of rain. Then it was cloudy and clearing skies the rest of the day.

Today we had cloudy skies, just light sprinkles. Then we suddenly got rain and wind. In about 45 minutes we got over 0.79 inches of rain. I can’t give you an exact amount as in the middle of the rain we got quite a lightning storm and power outages. We had about 4 power outages in a matter of 10 minutes. The power went out, then back on so the outages were quick. But the rain continued to fall and the weather station couldn’t keep up during the outages. So we got just over 0.79 inches, but I couldn’t give you an exact amount. But after a while it has stopped. But we will have flooding, my front walk area is flooded, but I’m sure it will drain quickly.

The storming is due to continue for the next week. We should get quite a bit of rain they say. Austin could get upwards of 7-10 inches. We’ll see how much we actually get. But we are expected to get rain for the next 7 days, until Tuesday May 25. Who knows, over that number of days we may actually get that much.

But as it stand right now, between yesterday and right now, and its not quite 3pm, we’ve already had an inch of rain.

So I will keep tabs on how much rain we get as best as I can.

Another storm

Its Sunday, Mother’s Day, and we’ve been warned of another storm. We had a warm day of 85 degrees here at the house. It wasn’t a bright sunny day, it was more of an overcast and humid day. Walking the dogs was not a fun experience. Even the dogs didn’t enjoy it.

Now, at after 10PM its down to 78, but our humidity is up to 86%. Though I will say the clouds tonight were rather spectacular. There was a a layer of dark clouds, with these salmon pink clouds underneath them.

It does appear there are a few areas around here that are feeling the effects of this storm. Some areas are even supposed to get hail, again. So we will wait and see if we get rain here. We may get some still, even if its later tonight.

We shall see.